File this under unsurprising, but nefarious nonetheless. Members of U.S. Congress who vote against mandatory labeling for genetically modified (GMO) products receive three times as much funding from the food and agriculture lobbies as their colleagues, according to new reporting from Open Secrets, a project of the Center for Responsive Politics. The political finance watchdog…
Month: October 2020
Hundreds of Peace Corps Vets Demand US Stop Funding Ethnic Cleansing
Over 500 former Peace Corps volunteers are calling on the U.S. government to withhold military aid and stop funding the Dominican Republic’s ethnic cleansing of people of Haitian descent, adding theirs to the cacophony of voices—from Pope Francis to United Nations experts to thousands marching in Port-au-Prince—speaking out against the mass-scale human rights violations. In…
'You Stink': Beirut Protesters Now Calling for Revolution
Tens of thousands anti-government protesters clashed with police in central Beirut on Sunday evening just hours after Lebanese Prime Minister Tammam Salam hinted he might step down following violence triggered by the month-long ‘You Stink’ trash protests. Gunfire was heard as government riot police opened fire in an apparent effort to drive protesters away from…
As Major Culprit in Creating Crisis, US Rebuked for Failing Refugees
As refugees are stranded at train stations, attacked by riot police, and killed during the perilous journey across the Mediterranean, Europe’s failure to address the rising humanitarian crisis is being met with global outrage and sorrow. Now, many are also looking across the Atlantic to the United States, where observers say key responsibility for the…
'Mass Struggle Works': South African Student Uprising Wins Tuition Hike Freeze
Facing the largest student uprisings since South Africans toppled apartheid, President Jacob Zuma pledged Friday to halt tuition fee increases in the year 2016—prompting declarations of victory, as well as calls to continue the mass mobilizations until free education is won for all. “A famous victory won by the hard struggle of students. We are…
Democrats welcome Bernie takeover
Democrats previously reticent to welcoming Sen. Bernie SandersBernie SandersThe Hill’s 12:30 Report: Milley apologizes for church photo-op Harris grapples with defund the police movement amid veep talk Biden courts younger voters — who have been a weakness MORE into their fold are coming around. More than a dozen Democrats interviewed by The Hill say the…
Earthquake Triggers Tsunami, Claims Lives in Chile
A tsunami warning has been lifted in Chile, but the country is still assessing the damage after a massive 8.3 magnitude earthquake shook buildings, claimed lives, and did trigger large waves that swept into coastal towns overnight. After the initial quake late Wednesday night, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) issued a series of warnings…
Climate Policy Holds Major Sway for Future of Antarctica Ice
If countries act fast to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions, according to new research, there is still time to curtail the most cataclysmic Antarctic ice melt. However, according to a study published Monday in the journal Nature Geoscience, if fossil fuel consumption maintains its current rate, Antarctica may experience a widespread collapse of its ice…
Manifesto Offers Vision of 'Joyful' Europe to Supplant Austerity's Misery
Calling for a “European Europe, which can fulfill its mission to bring peace, freedom, justice, and solidarity to the world,” a group of German economists, academics, policy advisers, and Social Democrats has issued a 12-point manifesto that rejects austerity, German hegemony, and right-wing extremism within the EU. Adopting the principles of the manifesto, according to…
Sharpening Contrast with Clinton, Sanders Touts Bold Positions in Tough Times
On the campaign trail and in media interviews, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is drawing increasingly sharp contrasts between himself and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, presenting his consistent record on critical issues as evidence of their “real differences.” “I have known Hillary Clinton for 25 years,” Sanders said in an interview Monday with Charlie Rose on…