“I have had in many years of politics had to make tough votes,” he elaborated in his interview with Maddow. “The times then were very, very different. We had a lot of homophobia going on, a right-wing Republican leadership clearly trying to push this anti-gay legislation, and it bothered me to hear Secretary Clinton saying ‘well, DOMA what it really was about was preventing something even worse’.”

“It wasn’t true,” Sanders said emphatically, quoting Clinton ally Hilary Rosen who tweeted over the weekend: “Note to my friends Bill and #Hillary: Pls stop saying DOMA was to prevent something worse. It wasnt, I was there.”

“It wasn’t true,” Sanders repeated on Monday night. “That was a tough vote, it really was. And there were a lot of decent people who in their hearts wanted to vote no and voted yes for political reasons. I didn’t. That’s all the point that I want to make.”

In another instance that clearly framed fundamental differences between Sanders and Clinton, the U.S. Senator from Vermont “put his campaign where his mouth is,” Engadget reported, when he spoke at a picket line with Verizon union workers in New York City on Monday.

As Huffington Post labor reporter Dave Jamieson noted, “[b]oth candidates have placed economic inequality at the core of their campaigns as they seek the nomination, though it’s much harder to imagine Clinton walking a picket line aimed at a telecom giant.”

In fact, The Nation‘s John Nichols wrote on Monday, such clear distinctions were “the takeaway message from a weekend of high-stakes politics in which Sanders positioned himself as a candidate whose long-term commitment to progressive ideals, and whose willingness to act on those ideals even in the most challenging of moments, suggested not just ‘authenticity’—to borrow the buzzword of the moment—but a context in which Democrats might assess his promise to ‘govern based on principle not poll numbers.’

“I pledge to you that every day I will fight for the public interest not the corporate interests,” Sanders said in Iowa on Saturday, as his young supporters answered with thunderous applause. “I will not abandon any segment of American society—whether you’re gay or black or Latino, poor or working class—just because it is politically expedient at a given time.”

“The proposition Sanders offered was clear enough,” Nichols concluded. “While others might make promises, he can be counted on to stand firm for economic and social justice, for peace and the planet.”

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