“Therefore,” it continues, “in the coming months and years all will depend on the fight for a ‘European’ democratic Europe, justice, solidarity, diversity, and prosperity in Greece and throughout Europe. A ‘European’ Europe is based on the sense of responsibility, the capacity of discernment, courage, and commitment of all Europeans instead of German dominance.”

To that end, the signatories further demand debt relief, solidarity with refugees, and transparency in economic negotiations. They specifically call for an investment-driven rather than austerity-driven strategy to avoid the complete breakdown of the Greek economy.

And while these criticisms and demands are familiar, the manifesto stands out because of its backers. “This is not the first critical voice in Germany against austerity politics,” wrote the online publication New Europe. “However, this carries the weight of German economists that are very much part of the policy elite in Germany and the EU.”

The group includes World Health Organization vice president Detlev Ganten; Gustav Horn, of the German Institute of Economic Research; former German minister for foreign aid Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul; and Social Europe editor Henning Meyer. 

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