Held from 18th to 24th October guests can explore the wonderful range of unspoilt and remote trails and tracks the island has to offer while also working on performance-related aspects, such as technique, and strength and conditioning.

Hosting with Chrissie is experienced coach, elite trail and ultra runner Gemma Carter.

Gemma Carter is an experienced running and endurance sport coach to people of all abilities. She combines this with her own successful career in ultra running, racking up a collection of wins internationally and even a Guinness World Record over the 50km distance.

Highlights of the camp include: group and 1-2-1 training sessions, coaching from experts, workshops and technical sessions as well as plenty of time to relax and explore. Each camp is fully catered and can suit all dietary needs. Non running guests and families are also welcome.


For more information visit www.luxurysportsbreaks.com or email info@luxurysportsbreaks.com