Following the rally on Monday, 15 demonstrators were arrested for refusing to leave the legislative building where, in an act of civil disobedience, they held signs and chanted: “Whose house? Our house!” and, “This is what democracy looks like!” Over 1,000 demonstrators have now been arrested since the Moral Monday protests began last April.

Sharing a picture of the swelling crowd on Twitter, one protester wrote “Massive crowds! We are changing the context in North Carolina.”

Citing a recent poll by Public Policy Polling, the North Carolina NAACP notes  that only 18 percent of voters in the state approve of the General Assembly and the work they are doing. For 60 weeks, members of the group have led rousing protests in an attempt to draw attention to what they call the “extremist policies” of the GOP-led legislature, which include rolling back voter protections, denying abortion rights, cutting unemployment benefits, failing to expand Medicaid and shifting public education money to private schools. 

“Every major religion shares the ultimate value of how you use public power is how you treat the least of these,” Rev. Barber told the crowd. “We are winning and shifting the center of political gravity.”

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