As the journal Nature reports:

Speaking with Channel 3 News in New Zealand, applied sciences professor Allan Blackman described what happened with the crater in Yamal this way: “An enormous great burst, bubble, whatever you want to call it, of methane just came up and blew a hole in the surface of the Earth.”

“If the permafrost starts melting and the trapped methane is getting released,” Blackman continued, “then it could be a very great problem for climate change.”

Meanwhile, however, Jason Box—the scientist who last week tweeted the original phrase, “If even a small fraction of Arctic sea floor carbon is released to the atmosphere, we’re f’d.”—has issued caution about equating the strange craters in Yamal with the observations seen in the East Arctic Siberian Ocean.

“I never connected the mysterious Siberian holes to anything,” Box tweeted after some reporting equated the two. And later added, “I have no idea about the holes.”

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