On August 22, Midwest Cooperatives grain merchandising manager Jeremy Frost told DTN/The Progressive Farmer that its grain elevators in South Dakota were full. “We’re just starting spring wheat and piling it on the ground in Pierre and are looking for other locations to pile it,” Frost said. This is on top of the winter wheat, approximately 150,000 bushels, that was piled in Pierre in late July and still sits there.

While rail companies say they are working to reduce the congestion, farmers believe they and their interests are being pushed aside in favor of big-money oil contracts.

“Unfortunately, agriculture does not seem to be a priority for [Canadian Pacific Railroad] and [Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway],” Roger Johnson, president of the National Farmers Union, told the Surface Transportation Board on April 10. “It seems that oil, coal and container shipments are ahead of grain in the list of shipping priorities.”

The Surface Transportation Board announced last week that it would hold a public hearing on September 4 to discuss the issue, according to DTN/The Progressive Farmer.

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