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Here’s how SCOTUS Blog described “the core of the dispute:”

About 6.4 million people are receiving subsidies in more than 30 states where the marketplace is run by the federal government. In a piece published Thursday, the New York Times asked one simple—but critical—question: “Have the subsidies succeeded?”

“By many measures, the answer is yes,” wrote Times journalists Margot Sanger-Katz and Robert Pear. “More than seven million people are enrolled in the federal health insurance marketplaces, and a majority of them—87 percent—receive subsidies in the form of tax credits to help pay their premiums, the government says. Without subsidies, many would be unable to buy insurance.”

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They continued: “The subsidies also appear to have drawn substantial numbers of younger, healthier Americans into the new insurance markets, stabilizing premiums, even for people who pay the full cost themselves.”

Of course, they add, “The effectiveness of the subsidies is separate from the question of whether they are legal.”

Speculating on the potential impact of a ruling for the plaintiffs—against the ACA subsidies—Sanger-Katz and Pear wrote:

However, some have maintained all along that King v. Burwell merely underscored the need for a single-payer system.

“Because of the ACA’s administrative complexity and flaws—largely reflecting its accommodation to the private health insurance industry and other corporate, profit-oriented interests in U.S. health care—it is particularly vulnerable to the kind of legal challenge we saw today,” said Physicians for a National Health Program president Robert Zarr.

“In contrast,” he continued, “a single-payer system—an improved Medicare for All—would achieve truly universal care, affordability, and effective cost control. It would put the interests of our patients—and our nation’s health—first.”

And while he praised the Supreme Court ruling for not throwing millions off health insurance, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) added: “What the United States should do is join every other major nation and recognize that health care is a right of citizenship. A Medicare-for-all, single-payer system would provide better care at less cost for more Americans.”

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