A Texas man who won a controversial $350,000 auction last year for a permit to kill a black rhinoceros on Monday felled one of the endangered giants in Namibia, prompting immediate condemnation from conservation groups and experts who say the slaughter sets a dangerous precedent.
The kill by 36-year-old Corey Knowlten, who hails from Dallas, was captured on video by a CNN team that accompanied him (warning: footage may be disturbing).
Knowlten and the Dallas Safari Club, which sponsored the auction in January 2014, have sought to spin the hunt as in-line with conservation efforts, as the money raised by the bid will allegedly go towards conservation and anti-poaching efforts. “I believe hunting through sustainable use is an awesome tool in conservation that can keep these animals going forever as a species,” Knowlten said earlier this year.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, furthermore, claimed in March that “black rhino hunts associated with the imports of two sport-hunted trophies are consistent with the conservation strategy of Namibia.”
But numerous conservation groups and experts strongly disagree with the auction.