The government has offered a compensation of Rs 25 Lakh to the wife of an Apple executive who was murdered by a police constable thinking that he is a criminal in Lucknow. Kalpana Tiwari, the wife of victim Vivek Tiwari, had earlier demanded a compensation of Rs One crore and a government job.
Meanwhile, the Lucknow district magistrate also said that the enquiry into the matter will be completed in 30 days.
All demands of the family sanctioned, given in written. If they want CBI enquiry, then it will be initiated.Job will be given to his wife&Rs. 25 lakhs will be given as compensation. Enquiry will be completed within 30 days: Lucknow DM on Vivek Tiwari shot at by police constable.
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UP chief minister Yogi Adityanath said that the state government is open to refer the matter to the CBI, maintaining that the incident was not an ‘encounter’.