The openMovements series invites leading social scientists to share their research results and perspectives on contemporary social struggles.
Between October 2014 and March 2016
I studied how the climate movement was mobilizing around the COP21 climate
summit in Paris. Although the focus of this research was academic, I have long
wondered whether my research could in any way be useful to those involved in
the movement. Despite several activists’ encouragement, I hesitated to take up
this role. I felt there was little I could teach organizers who seemed
perfectly capable of self-reflexion about what could be improved. It is therefore
with the greatest humility that I present some of my main findings, and the
lessons that may possibly be learned. I have the greatest respect for the
difficulty of the tasks movement organizers faced in the run up to Paris – amplified
by the terrorist attacks that struck Paris just two weeks before the summit,
and by the ‘state of emergency’ that was subsequently installed. I also realize
this piece comes late. How useful my findings still are for future mobilization
is for others to decide. Nonetheless, as Erik Olin Wright puts it,
“[emancipatory] social science, rather than simply social criticism or social
philosophy, recognizes the importance (…) of systematic scientific knowledge
about how the world works.”
numerous repeated and widely-shared calls to stop ‘summit-hopping’, the
post-Copenhagen climate movement (a semantic shortcut, that does little justice
to the diversity underlying it) gathered its forces once more for the Paris
climate summit. Why were they there again, despite such widely shared
scepticism? How did they try to prevent scenarios that were held responsible
for previous failures? Did they effectively manage to prevent these scenarios?
And how successful were they in proposing and executing alternative strategies?
main conclusion is that even though some lessons clearly have been learned from
the Copenhagen experience, and despite its drive for tactical innovation, the
movement has been unable to find a solution to the challenges that lead to the ‘Copenhagen-hangover’.
This is not the result of any individual or collective failures. Rather, I will
try to show, it is inherent to the context of global summits and to the nature
of summit mobilizations. Summits do not allow their momentum to be used without
paying a tribute of full attention to the summit in return. Popular strategies around
COP21 that aimed to use the momentum of the summit whilst increasing their distance from the official negotiation process,
were constricted by this effect. To demonstrate this point, let’s look at the
success of some of the main strategies that were proposed to prevent the
An alternative party
first common response to preventing the Copenhagen scenario was to organize actions
that would ignore COP21 and target alternative, arguably more powerful actors
instead. Several successful actions did take place: the False Solutions COP21
actions effectively disrupted the rather corporate Solutions COP21 fair; the
Global Village of Alternatives showed opportunities to address climate change
outside the international policy making process; and La Via Campesina
highlighted the responsibility of big corporations by painting a big Red Line
in from of the office of Danone. But none of these actions engaged a
particularly large number of participants in radical action, and so did not
materialize the goal of using the COP21 momentum to mobilize the masses into a
radical and lasting climate movement.
this may have been due in part to the complex and uncertain context that was created
by the state of emergency, it already became increasingly clear throughout the
months of preparation before COP21 that it would be very difficult to draw
attention away from the official negotiations. As some of the people who
initially advocated alternative targets increasingly concluded as the summit
drew closer: there are a lot of other games in town, but not during COP21. Indeed, the question ‘how to tell the
masses to come to Paris during COP21 whilst asking them to ignore COP21?’
remained largely unanswered. With absolutely no lack of organizational experience
or expertise united in this mobilization, it seemed there was ultimately no
simple answer to this question.
Conclusion: It is very difficult to
develop strategies that can mobilize the masses around summits, whilst getting
these masses to engage in actions that are not oriented towards these summits.
Crashing the party
second strategy focused on the disruption of the summit. It was expected that
government leaders would come out celebrating a death sentence for the planet,
and so the movement prepared to disrupt the party. Although the goal of
disruption sounds legit, the (potential) effectiveness of such a strategy is
Carl Death described in his article on ‘summit theatres’ (Environmental
Politics, 2011), even strong
opposition to summits contributes to the image of summits as places where
global governance is taking problems very serious. Resistance contributes to
the performed image of seriousness. Whether the general public really picks up
more than this general picture is questionable (see below). Some online media
reported on the Red Lines action’s critical message, but the mainstream media
did not. Take the Guardian, which had already been reporting on the plans for
the Red Lines action. If anyone should have brought the Red Lines message to
the masses, unfortunately, not even the Guardian gave proper coverage of the
Red Lines action, or of the ‘last word’ action that was held afterwards at the
Eiffel Tower. In the Guardian’s live feed there was brief mentioning of the Red
Lines action, but it was framed as ‘10,000 people on the streets calling for a
strong climate deal’ – precisely the type of framing that organizers had aimed
to prevent. The rest of the day, the live feed was filled mainly with celebratory
coverage of the signed deal. No actual article was dedicated to the Red Lines action.
was not the result of any individual or collective failure. Part of this outcome
was the result of some bad luck, with the final negotiation text being released
at about the same time that the Red Lines action began, thus overshadowing the latter.
Moreover, the State of Emergency also made the organization of a radical action
so much more complicated. With greatly increased uncertainty, organizers were
forced to opt for the safe side of things, thereby losing an important radical
edge. Had the Red Lines action indeed taken place according to the original
plans – including the building of (symbolic) barricades around the conference
centre – it might have had a more profound disrupting effect.
beyond these unfortunate circumstances, the inability to disrupt has a more fundamental
cause: climate summits do not allow themselves to be disrupted. There are historic
counter-examples, like the Battle of Seattle, in which movements have shut down
summits, but this is an exceptional case. What is more, climate activists are
limited with regard to ‘shutting down’ COPs. While the WTO clearly advances a
neoliberalism that global justice activists oppose, the UNFCCC and the climate
movement in principle share the basic goal of mitigating climate change. Shutting
down a COP therefore sends a very ambiguous and problematic message. Offering a
critical note to the summit outcome therefore seems a more reasonable
alternative, yet Paris has proven that COPs’ momentum – the one that allows the
movement to mobilize its resources in the first place – seems too strong to
allow for much disruption from the streets.
what would have happened if circumstances had been more favourable, and the Red
Lines action had managed to place a
critical note to the celebratory newsfeed, or if it had even properly
overshadowed it? Would the general public have become more critical, and would
they have realized that it was time for immediate climate action? A recent
study by Zorzeta Bakaki and Thomas Bernauer (Environmental
Politics, 2016) suggests that
no, such coverage would have made little difference to people’s public opinion.
Using an experimental design, they find that coverage of climate summits does
raise audiences’ awareness about the issue, but it does not change their
opinion about the issue – regardless of whether they are served positive or
negative coverage of the event. In quoting Bernard Cohen, they conclude that
“the mass media may not often be successful in telling people what to think,
but they are successful in telling readers what to think about.” So it seems
that whether or not disruptive protest is included, media coverage of climate
summits will at best increase awareness about climate change. And here we are
back at what Carl Death warned against: even the most disruptive protest
functions to underscore how serious this global governance event is taking the
issue at hand. It is very hard to really disrupt that image.
Conclusion: It is very difficult to
disrupt the mainstream media story of climate summits through mass actions that
promote an alternative story. And even if media coverage can be altered, this
arguably has limited consequences for public opinion and the general public’s
The after-party
frequently mentioned goal was that the COP21 mobilization was not (just) about
Paris, but about using the momentum the summit would generate to build a
movement for the long climate struggle that would come after Paris. Indeed, the
entire framing and strategy of the mobilization was designed to manage
unrealistic hopes about a positive outcome and to prevent hangovers and
depressions by building a movement on the basis of realistic expectations.
throughout 2015, most of the movement’s energy seems to have been invested in
coming up with strategies that allowed the movement to ignore COP21 while in
Paris. Taking the movement into 2016 and beyond was an often-quoted aim, but
received much less attention than the COP21 strategy, and was generally not
operationalized in very concrete terms. It is therefore unsurprising that the main
coalition that was built up towards COP21 did not seem to have profoundly
shaped a global climate movement of 2016.
us consider first the organizational level. Certainly, the mobilization for
COP21 stood out for its unseen ability to bring together organizations who had
until recently been in sometimes open conflict with each other. Actors from
both sides of the climate justice divide managed to join in a diverse coalition
(Coalition Climat 21) to
coordinate their mobilization – albeit at times in a precarious way and along
new cleavages. And they coordinated actions with the more radical, grassroots
action groups united in Climate Justice Action. But as remarkable as this
unification of the climate movement was, as quick was its dissolution. Indeed,
without the common goal of the COP21 mobilization, Coalition Climat 21 quickly
fell apart – despite considerable efforts of some to keep it together.
Climate Justice Action did
manage to stay together. This is probably because it is geographically
(European), organizationally (grassroots) and politically (anti-capitalist)
more homogenous, which by extension means that it has limited influence on the
construction of a broad global climate movement. Efforts to keep the coalition
together may have started too late (only during COP21, except for a small
meeting during a CC21 meeting in Paris in June). However, taking into account
how packed the preparation meetings for COP21 had already been, shifting more
attention to what came after COP21 could have been hard to pull off. In a sense
then, this situation also suggests that COPs do not allow that too much
attention is payed to business that diverts attention away from it.
regard to the individuals the movement had managed to mobilize into the
movement around Paris, it is really very difficult to draw precise conclusions.
There are for example no survey data that can link participants in the COP21
mobilization to participation in some of the climate actions that took place in
2016. Hence, we can only guess about the movement’s ability to take the
mobilized masses from Paris to the ‘beyond’. Actions like Ende Gelande in May 2016,
as well as the wider Breakfree 2016 campaign, at face value appeared to have
benefited from some of the momentum generated around COP. Yet it is hard to
assess how important the COP21
mobilization was in this regard, or more precisely, whether the investments
made in the COP21 mobilization were an efficient way of getting people into
these actions and the wider movement.
these are simply the risks involved with complex strategies, yet a clear
strategy to make this link seemed to be missing. Despite claims that ‘it was
not about Paris’ but about what came beyond, organizers focused mainly on, and
invested most energy and resources, in Paris. Again, I believe this to be an
unavoidable consequence of the fact that summits do not allow you to use their
momentum without getting proper attention in return.
Conclusion: Summit mobilizations
require full attention. Focusing on the development of strategies to carry the
built momentum beyond summits appears limited, thus increasing the risk that
built alliances will soon dissolve. Mobilizing people at one moment to call
upon their participation at a later stage is hard to control, measure, and
therefore risky.
Conclusion: there is no alternative
how successful was the COP21 mobilization? To the extent that it managed to
prevent some of the mistakes made in Copenhagen, one could say it was a
success. Important internal conflicts were (temporarily and partially)
appeased, expectations were managed, strategies were diversified, and actions
were in place for the movement to focus on after the summit.
how successful was the mobilization beyond preventing the harmful effects that
Copenhagen had had on the movement? Either not very successful, I would argue
(disrupting, having the last word, mobilizing to target other actors, bringing
organizations together beyond COPs), or very hard to determine (getting people
engaged in the long run). What this means for future mobilizations depends on
the function one ascribes to summit mobilizations. For those who see it as a
necessary evil (‘we can’t afford not to go’), the COP21 mobilization may have
shown a method that at least prevents the potential harmfulness of summit
mobilizations that Copenhagen demonstrated. For those seeking to invest their
scarce resources in the most effective strategies (i.e. for having substantive
impact on achieving climate justice) summit mobilizations seem inherently
sombre conclusion should at least in part be attributed to the exceptionally
unfavourable context that the state of emergency created. It is hard to tell
how many people would have participated in the original plans for the False
Solutions and Red Lines actions, what their experience would have been, and how
the media and politicians would have responded to them. It is probably fair to
expect that both actions would have turned out more effective. Nevertheless,
the core of my argument is that there is a fundamental flaw in the idea of
mobilizing around arguably ‘weak’ summits: even if one develops strategies in
recognition of the limited nature of these summits, the summits still demand
attention, and the Paris mobilization has taught us the valuable lesson that
this tension can hardly be overcome. Thus, if Copenhagen showed that there was
a need for expectation management and a reduced emphasis on the summit outcome
itself, then Paris showed that going to a summit with the intention to disrupt
or ignore it is unlikely to be successful. By trying to lift off ‘planet
summit’, its gravity became truly noticeable for the first time – a necessary
but falsifying experiment.
does this piece come too late? Since the election of Trump, it seems we will
not see another high-profile climate summit anytime soon – especially not one
with a high chance of delivering a substantively meaningful outcome. ‘To summit
or not to summit?’, may therefore be a question of the past.
a lesson that can be learned from Paris, and which is perhaps only underscored
by Trump, is the importance of finding ways for the climate movement to become
globally coordinated beyond summits. Effectively mitigating climate change
requires a globally coordinated effort, and so does the redistributive
principle underlying climate justice. This is not a new idea, and attempts have
already been made towards such independent global coordination, such as through
the World Social Forums, or through globally coordinated campaigns like
Breakfree 2016. In this sense, my conclusion echoes Bullard and Mueller’s (Development, 2012) call for the development of
the movement’s own ‘globality’.
Conclusion: The Paris mobilization
was innovative, and explored the margins of summit mobilization, thereby
showing above all, the need for innovative strategies to move beyond summits,
and to develop strategies for global coordination in the movement’s own
All photos by Joost de Moor. Used with author's permission.
How to cite:
De Moor J.(2017) COP21: the climate movement’s last summit?, Open Democracy / ISA RC-47: Open Movements, 18 February.