Originally published in the Post on May 22, 1920. A strong factor in the popularity of the Ouija board as a domestic utensil is the prevalence of Ouija board agencies throughout the country. No shopping round is necessary; you can buy one anywhere, from a notion counter to a used-car emporium. Its purchase used to…
Fifty years after the Tlatelolco massacre of 1968
On the left, replica of the "March of Silence" organised by students in Mexico City in 2018. On the right, march on the Zócalo, also in Mexico City, but during the movements of 1968. Photographs: Global Voices. All Rights Reserved. Today, the struggle to stop violence in Mexico continues. On September 6, 30.000 university students,…
Putin's wargame: behind the smoke
A T-50 prototype for the Su-57 flies at the MAKS 2011 air show. Wikicommons/ Alex Beltyukov . Some rights reserved. Russia’s massive Vostok-2018 military exercises from 11-17 September are receiving much attention in the western media, all too easily conjuring a spectre of the Russian bear once again ready to pounce on a weakened west….
Let’s Be Honest – Everyone Really Wants A Lando Movie
There’s something about Lando. Although Han Solo is one of the most instantly recognizable — and bankable — characters in the possibly eternal “Star Wars” franchise, it’s Lando Calrissian, his conflicted and conflict-propelling best friend, who holds a special place in the series mystique. And in “Solo,” the first of possibly three spin-off films, it’s Lando who’s…
“Weekend in Town” by Dawn Powell
Helen often said that the reason she and Eva could live together so successfully was that they were such opposites. They wore different-size clothes, had different friends, came from opposite ends of the country, and kept rigorously aloof from dangerous confidences. Helen had an advertising job with a wholesale textile company, and Eva ran a…
Elizabeth Warren will propose a tax on the super-rich to curb inequality.
Democratic senator and 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is expected to announce her plan for a new wealth tax that will affect the richest 0.1% of Americans. The tax is intended to help curb America’s astronomical gap in income equality. The wealthiest 1% of American households now hold 40% of the country’s wealth, the largest…
The Swedish model dismantled: premature closure of the Gender Equality Agency
Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research Facebook page. Fair use. On December 17, 1918, the historic decision was taken in the Swedish Parliament in favour of introducing universal and equal suffrage for women and men. 100 years later, the date marks the very day when confirmation came that the Swedish Gender Equality Agency (Jämställdhetsmyndigheten) would be…
A Most Beautiful Model
As he climbed the worn, elaborate stairs, Tim was dreaming again about the wonderful box down the street in the window of Rain’s Paints and Hardware. It was a small oblong of a box, shiny black on the outside, white inside, with a brush and six of the brightest colors of the rainbow packed in…
The Tragic Deaths Of Anthony Bourdain And Kate Spade Highlight A Disturbing Uptick In Suicides
The world lost two icons by suicide this week, celebrity chef and adventurer Anthony Bourdain and fashion designer Kate Spade. While both deaths leave permanent holes in U.S. – and global – culture, they are an opportunity for a much-needed discussion on suicide prevention. The deaths come on the heels of an alarming report by the U.S….
عندما كنت مُستمعاً
No attribution required. لا أتذكر على وجه التحديد في أي سنة بدأت علاقتي مع الإذاعة المسموعة وشغفي بها، متتبعاً لعدد من برامجها، ولكن ما أعرفه أنني كنت مراهقاً لم يبلغ الخامسة عشر حينما تعلقت في أول برنامج، كان اسمه "زهور الحياة"، وكان يذاع كل يوم جمعة على إذاعة مصراته المحلية، التي ما تزال تبث برامجها…